About Us

We Are Your Favourite Supplier.
AfriBEST Seeds Co., Ltd is Local owned vegetable seeds company based in Tanzania Republic established in 2020 focus on help the African farmers to use best Vegetables seeds with affordable price.
We commit our self to Producer, Developing and Packing seeds including Indigenous vegetables, and Horticulture crops. Our Current markets are focused in EAC and SADC Countries.
Up to date we have more than 800 Agro dealers customers with reputable business country wise. And more than 50 small holder farmers who’s producing locally.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
To be the core farmer choice for vegetable seeds in Africa.
To provide the best vegetable seeds as a product and agricultural services that will help to increase field yield and promote African farmers’ income.
Logo Structure:
Leaf star, (We what to be the Master of green vegetable seeds) with Colors, Green for plants and White for Quality Products.
Core value:
- Quality: True – type a Variety of Products with the best quality
- Integrity: Full decorum in the Position
- Passionate: Sacrifice for other young driving models
- Term work: Working for one goal
- Reputability: Products & Services
-Pure Seeds for Better Yield
We Deal With Various Quality Seeds Products!

- Cabbage
- Califonia Wonder Pepper
- Red Hebanero Pepper
- Carrot Nantes
- Okra
- Amarantu's Mchicha
- Tomato
- Green Pepper F1
- Blacknight Shade Mnavu
- Rape English Giant